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The "air" we give off. Communication is more than words.


I brought this up in "Problem Solving"... 
Our demeanor contributes to setting or changing the tone of interaction. Many of us are used to going about our day without observing the "air" we give off. A look, our voice, body language.. More than words affect communication


When conscious of our connection, we are at times able to direct the flow of interactions. You can leave a miserable person happy. Or a potential boss intrigued.


If someone is expecting you to behave a certain (negative) way, feel free to surprise them. The key to change remember, is consistency. It's amazing what you can do with time and sincere effort.


Take notice of how other's vibe's affect you. Think of how they could've gone about things differently for a better outcome, and a more positive reputation for themself.


Being mindful can open a whole new world for you.

Check out this article for further helpful details about Communication:

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