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What "are" Differences, and what do they really mean?

From people set in their ways, to those who don't see a point in viewing life from others' eyes.. this is often a touchy, extremely personal subject.




  • Interests

  • Races

  • Lifestyles

  • Parenting

  • Style





  • Beliefs

  • Cultures/Traditions

  • Values

  • Humour

  • Abilities


                 And the list goes on...



It's easy to ignore what doesn't affect us, and just as easy to feel entitled or offended when something does.


What are Differences?


Each of us begin life, a fleshy little sponge ready to absorb the world for years to come. Countless things influence who we become. Our manner of upbringing affects confidence and tradition. Living circumstances affect opportunity... Some people have major difficulties, while others sail through.


As I said - It's easy to ignore what doesn't affect us, and just as easy to feel entitled or offended when something does affect us. Differences can feel bad, but are they really? 


There is no wrong-doing unless literally doing wrong - but unfortunately the difference itself, is felt as an offence. Or war, even. When it is actually a person just living their life differently. Why ignore the full picture? Why are some unable to handle differences, when they are factually not being harmed? The entitlement of reaction sparks undeserved negativity or harm. Ironically, the one viewed as harmful, becomes the one possibly harmed.




What would've happened if all were left to live peacefully?


I'm not saying every single difference is harmless.

Many.. many though, are mistaken as a problem when they are simply only feared as one.

It creates problems where there doesn't need to be.


If it were possible to wear the shoes of another as they grew up, you'd see how they came to be. And the meaning behind what makes them different than you. It is not always a declaration of war, nor meant as offensive. Just because you feel a threat, doesn't mean the threat is real.


It could just be a different person, living a different life. 



Perception: Racism and Prejudice


Look at your own race. You know there are good and bad people within it. That goes for all races. 100% of whom you've met among certain races, are not 100% of those races on this planet.


Each person is an individual.


It may be hard to meet individuals if problems overshadow relaxed or complete interaction. Our problems are not who we are. Race can be part of identity, yes - to some it is very important, but race does not determine every single thing about an individual.


People are much more complex than that. 



  • Differences can feel bad, but are they really?

  • Just because you feel a threat, doesn't mean the threat is real.

  • There is no wrong-doing unless literally doing wrong.

  • Why are some unable to handle differences, when they are factually not being harmed? 

  • Ironically, the one viewed as harmful, can become the one possibly harmed.

  • Many differences are mistaken as a problem when they are simply only feared as one.

  • It creates problems where there doesn't need to be.



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